Healthcare Professionals
Aquamantys System
and Bipolar Sealers
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Healthcare Professionals
and Bipolar Sealers
The Aquamantys® System and bipolar sealers feature innovative Transcollation® technology, a combination of radiofrequency (RF) energy and saline that provides hemostatic sealing of soft tissue and bone during surgery.
The Aquamantys System consists of a generator and disposable, single-use handpieces. Medtronic offers innovative handpieces, such as the 6.0 Bipolar Sealer, that deliver controlled thermal energy to tissue, providing hemostatic sealing without the charring associated with other methods.
Our patented integration of RF energy and saline delivers controlled thermal energy to tissue. This combination allows the device temperature to stay at approximately 100°C – nearly 200°C less than conventional devices, which produces a tissue effect without the charring associated with other methods.
View a 3D animation of Transcollation technology and the Aquamantys System