Healthcare Professionals
MYOtherm XP
Cardioplegia Delivery System
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Healthcare Professionals
Cardioplegia Delivery System
This device used for any other purposes than for the indicated use is the responsibility of the user.
The CB MYOtherm XP® is a device intended for the mixing, warming/ cooling and delivery of oxygenated blood/cardioplegia solution in a predetermined ratio.
The use of certain solvents may compromise the integrity of the device.
Gas emboli must be cleared from the extracorporeal circuit before initiating bypass. Gas emboli are hazardous to the patient.
If leaks are observed during priming and/or operation, this may result in air embolism to the patient and /or fluid loss. The extracorporeal circuit must be continually monitored. Do not use the device if these conditions are observed.
Test for the presence of cold agglutinins in the patient’s blood prior to use. The temperature of the blood/cardioplegia solution should never fall below the temperature at which negative cold agglutinins were determined.
Swedish law restricts this device to be ordered by, and sold to, a physician or medical institution only. For a complete listing of indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please refer to the Instructions For Use which accompany each product.