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Healthcare Administrators


Oxygenation Saturation and Hematocrit Monitor

Indications, Safety, and Warnings

BioTrend Oxygen Saturation and Hematocrit Monitor

Contraindication: This device used for any other purposes than for the indicated use is the responsibility of the user. The BioTrend oxygenation saturation and hematocrit system is not intended to substitute for regular patient observation and laboratory testing. Prior to any therapeutic treatment, the oxygen saturation and hematocrit should be determined by laboratory methods. The BioTrend system has not been tested for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) compatibility and should not be used in that environment.

Indication: The BioTrend oxygenation saturation and hematocrit system measures percent oxygen saturation and hematocrit of the blood in the extracorporeal circuit. The extracorporeal circuit is used for, but is not limited to, cardiopulmonary bypass, closed-chest support, and limb perfusion.

This device used for any other purposes than for the indicated use is the responsibility of the user.

Caution: Swedish law restricts this device to be ordered by, and sold to, a physician or medical institution only. For a complete listing of indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please refer to the Instructions For Use which accompany each product.