Healthcare Professionals
Endurant II
AAA Stent Graft System
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Healthcare Professionals
AAA Stent Graft System
Created with the collaboration of more than 250 physicians around the world, the Endurant® II AAA Stent Graft System empowers you to create stronger outcomes for more patients, including those otherwise ineligible for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR).
Flexibility and Conformability – The Endurant II system conforms to a variety of anatomies including tortuous iliac arteries and highly angulated necks, and treats necks as short as 10mm with angulation up to and including 60 degrees.
Accurate Deployment – The Endurant II system's tip capture mechanism provides precise positioning adjustments.
Ease of Access – The Endurant II system provides ease of access with its low profile, hydrophilic delivery system.
For more information, download the Endurant II product brochure and visit new window).
The Endurant II Stent Graft System treats infrarenal abdominal aortic or aorto-iliac aneurysms using an endovascular approach (EVAR). When placed within the aneurysm, the Endurant II Stent Graft provides a permanent, alternative conduit for blood flow within the patient's vasculature.
The stent graft system is comprised of two main components: the implantable Endurant II Stent Graft and the disposable Endurant II Delivery System. The stent graft is preloaded on the delivery system and advanced to the aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance. Upon deployment, it self-expands to conform to the shape and size of the seal zones above and below the aneurysm.
For more information, download the Endurant II product brochure and visit new window).