Healthcare Professionals
Mullins and Brockenbrough
Introducer Sheaths and Needles
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Healthcare Professionals
Introducer Sheaths and Needles
The Medtronic Brockenbrough curved needle is made up of an outer cannula and an inner stylet. The outer cannula is made of flexible thin-walled tubing. The inner stylet is solid, much stiffer and closely fitting, whose sharpened end protrudes 2-3 mm beyond the tip of the cannula.
The Brockenbrough curved needle is used in conjunction with transseptal catheters to puncture the atrial septum to allow conducting a left heart catheterization procedure through the right atrium. The Brockenbrough curved needle is intended for single use only.
The use of the Brockenbrough curved needle is contraindicated in patients with the following conditions:
See the device manual for detailed information regarding the procedure, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events.
Caution: Swedish law restricts this device to be ordered by, and sold to, a physician or medical institution only.