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Help us keep your patient record up-to-date. Using this service and receiving an ID Card from Medtronic is completely free of charge, and will only take 3-5 minutes to fill out our online form.
In case of emergency, we recommend all Medtronic patients carry their ID Card with them in order to identify you as having an implanted device.
The ID Card includes a toll-free number to contact Medtronic, and helps maintain current and accurate information for your record.
Medtronic places very high value on safety and security of your private information. The information you provide is over a secure network, and is used to keep your device record current and accurate. We also use the information in order to process an updated Device US Patient Identification Card for you, that will be mailed to you shortly after completing our online form.
All of the information you provide is used in compliance with FDA requirements and as otherwise described in our Terms of Use and Privacy Statement.
Medtronic patients with any of the following devices should have an ID Card:
If you meet ALL of the following criteria, please use this form to update your information, and a new ID Card will be sent to you at your address provided: