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Tachyarrhythmia Management

We are dedicated to delivering unparalleled products and features to help improve productivity, support clinic efficiency, and improve patient outcomes.


With Cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death worldwide — accounting for more than 17.3 million deaths per year1 —  we are dedicated to delivering unparalleled products and features to help improve productivity, support clinic efficiency,  and help you help your patients.

We offer a full line of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) and services for treating your patients with tachyarrhythmias, including a broad range of ICDs, ICD leads, and the nation’s leading remote monitoring service, the Medtronic CareLink™ Network(opens new window).2

Tachycardia — an abnormally fast heartbeat — is commonly associated with a variety of complications, including:

  • Blood clots
  • Failure of the heart to pump enough blood
  • Frequent fainting
  • Sudden cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac death 


Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a major health issue that claims more than 350,000 lives each year in the United States.3 Often confused with a Heart Attack, SCA is the sudden, abrupt loss of heart function generally caused by ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation (VF). In approximately 94 to 95% of cases, sudden cardiac arrest is fatal, leading to sudden cardiac death.4


Mozaffarian D, et al. Circulation. 2016;133:e38-e360.


Devices Supported on the CareLink Network. January 2014. Data on File.


Pell JP, et al. Heart. 2003;89:839-842.