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For over 70 years, Medtronic has been a leader in innovative medical technology, guided by our mission to contribute to patient welfare. Acutely aware of the need to balance healthcare access and cost of treatment with high quality of care, Medtronic created Integrated Health SolutionsSM (IHS).
Our in-hospital IHS people support our customers
beyond devices.
Integrated Health Solutions builds on Medtronic‘s combination of capital resources, process optimization expertise and therapy knowledge.
IHS currently partners with hospitals and clinics across EMEA, offering solutions that help care providers optimize costs and outcomes while driving higher value and patient satisfaction. In cooperation with medical institutions, IHS develops innovative services and solutions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, facilitate patients’ access to different types of treatment, and improve outcomes.
Our solutions adress all levers of the value equation. We offer optimization of and managed services for both care settings and disease state management in order to:
Together with our partner customers, we create a better patient and healthcare professional experience at lower costs in a sustainable manner, and we create a favorable environment for performing procedures.
Better balance between improved care access, lower costs and high-quality care - (04:11)
Integrated Health Solutions has over 60 ongoing long-term partnerships across Europe and the Middle East, including six major hospitals and medical centers in the Netherlands. In close collaboration with hospital staff, our IHS colleagues have been able to achieve fully-managed cardiology units, improved cost efficiency, optimised use of resources, empowered staff, maximized access to care and improved clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction and experience in these hospitals.