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Links to our four tailored (post-)COVID-19 solutions:
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and healthcare systems had been confronted with huge economic and clinical challenges. An ageing population and rising healthcare costs already put tremendous pressure on the systems. But the COVID-19 crisis has disrupted hospital operations completely.
In their attempt to return to new normal operations, hospitals are facing a multifaceted challenge: fighting COVID-19 on the frontlines while also tackling issues such as recovering elective procedures, inefficient use of available capacity and patients who are afraid to come to the hospitals.
We want to help and support them in this battle by sharing our experiences built up in partnering with hospitals, improving patient pathways and outcomes through our Integrated Healthcare SolutionsSM.
The COVID-19 outbreak has put extraordinary pressure on hospitals worldwide. Hospitals are facing:
We want to help you find solutions for your bottlenecks by sharing our experiences built up in partnering with hospitals, improving patient pathways and outcomes.
We are eager to join forces in order to resolve your challenges, resulting from the
COVID-19 pandemic and work together on implementing a ‘new normal’.
We have developed four solutions that are ready for implementation in hospitals.
With the numbers of hospitalized COVID-19 patients decreasing, hospitals need to return to more ’normal’ operations. In this acute wave phase, they are facing numerous bottlenecks and challenges (WHY).
IHS can offer tailored solutions (WHAT) which can be implemented within several weeks (HOW).
The COVID-19 pandemic has put an enormous workload on doctors and nurses. And the backlog of postponed elective procedures during the acute wave created huge hospital capacity gaps (WHY).
IHS can offer up to five standardized modules (WHAT) to optimize and free up capacity in three phases (HOW).
Standardized modules available. Modules to be selected based on client needs:
Three program phases*:
* Actual timelines dependent on selected modules, access to data and client personnel and can be tailored accordingly.
The COVID-19 situation demands hospitals to free up capacity for acute patients that need intensive care and to keep low-care patients out of the hospital (WHY).
IHS can offer several remote care solutions (WHAT) by helping to select and implement the tools to standardize pathways (HOW).
Remotification across the patient pathway. Modules to be selected based on client needs:
Phases and duration differ per solution, scope and business model:*
* Actual timelines dependent on selected modules, access to data and client personnel and can be tailored accordingly.
In COVID-19 times, we see a decrease in the referral of elective care patients by referring hospitals and patients themselves are staying away: avoiding the GP or hospital where possible also when experiencing symptoms (WHY).
IHS can offer and implement standardized modules to allow patients to come to the hospital and facilitate transmural collaboration in the region (WHAT) in three phases (HOW).
Allow patients to come to the hospital and facilitate transmural collaboration in the region. Standardized modules available. Modules to be selected based on client needs:
Three program phases*:
* Actual timelines dependent on selected modules, access to data and client personnel and can be tailored accordingly.