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The next generation EvolutTM PRO+ transcatheter aortic valve system provides industry-leading hemodynamics — allowing your patients to return to activity faster.1,2,3
DOWNLOAD BROCHURE(opens new window)With a design built on the proven Evolut platform, the Evolut PRO+ system features:
Low delivery profile
for access down to 5.0 mm vessels with the 23-29 mm valves.
Advanced sealing
for all valve sizes with the addition of the external tissue wrap to the 34 mm valve.
Today, the Evolut PRO+ valve design means no tradeoffs.
It provides the lowest delivery profile and added surface area contact between the valve and the native aortic annulus to further advance valve sealing performance.
In addition, our exceptional valve design is taking patient outcomes above and beyond — contributing to our industry-leading hemodynamics.
The Evolut PRO+ TAVI system is indicated to treat annulus ranges up to 30 mm diameter and has the ability to treat the broadest annulus range* for self-expanding TAVI available in the market.
The Evolut PRO+ delivery system:
Access instructions for use and other technical manuals in the Medtronic Manual Library(opens new window). Search by the product name (e.g., Evolut) or model number.
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VISIT MEDTRONIC ACADEMY (opens new window)Broadest annulus range based on CT derived diameters.
Bleiziffer S, Eichinger WB, Hettich I, et al. Impact of patient-prosthesis mismatch on exercise capacity in patients after bioprosthesis aortic valve replacement. Heart. May 2008;94(5):637-641.
van Slooten YJ, van Melle JP, Freling HG, et al. Aortic valve prosthesis-patient mismatch and exercise capacity in adult patients with congenital heart disease. Heart. January 2016;102(2):107-113.
Pibarot P, Dumesnil JG, Jobin J, Cartier P, Honos G, Durand LG. Hemodynamic and physical performance during maximal exercise in patients with an aortic bioprosthetic valve: comparison of stentless versus stented bioprostheses. J Am Coll Cardiol. November 1, 1999;34(5):1609-1617.
Up to 80% deployment. The valve can be partially or fully recaptured up to three times prior to the point of no recapture. Third attempt must be a complete recapture and retrieval from patient.