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Minimize Vessel Trauma, reduce dissections, and decrease the need for bailout stenting above or below the knee with the Chocolate™ PTA balloon. The balloon’s unique nitinol constraining structure creates pillows and grooves that provide for predictable, uniform and atraumatic dilatation.
Push and track through difficult lesions with the EverCross™ OTW PTA balloon catheter, the workhorse of balloons for use in your above the knee interventions. Choose from the broad sizes offered to treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in a variety of vessel sizes and lesion types.
Treat longer PAD lesions above the knee with Admiral Xtreme™ PTA balloon catheter. Offered in 250 and 300 mm lengths, with 0.035" guidewire compatibility, featuring large inflation lumen for rapid inflation and deflation.
Deliver high-pressure, targeted treatment to challenging lesions with the Fortrex™ 0.035" OTW PTA balloon catheter, a balloon designed and engineered for peak performance at rated burst pressure. Choose Fortrex high pressure PTA balloon catheters when your AV access or arterial intervention requires a product with balanced push and track, optimal balloon shape retention at rated burst pressure, and a best-in-class tip entry profile.
Realize more access options when you choose the Pacific™ Plus PTA catheter OTW 0.018", with its versatile shaft lengths. The proprietary balloon technology allows for enhanced crossing for treating lesions and the improved shaft design speeds deflation following treatment.
Treat longer lesions with the Pacific™ Xtreme PTA balloon catheter OTW 0.018" that is offered in lengths from 150 to 300 mm. These balloons are well suited for use in treating long lesions in the femoral and popliteal vessels.
Approach tight lesions with a low-profile, tapered tip when you use the NanoCross™ Elite 0.014" OTW PTA balloon catheter. The catheter's robust shaft design makes it easier to access, reach and treat distal lesions in the lower leg.
Reach for the RapidCross™ PTA rapid exchange balloon dilatation catheter when you need to reach distal lesions in the small vessels below the knee. This catheter is the Medtronic solution for an 0.014" PTA balloon with rapid exchange capability.
Reach for the AmphirionTM Deep 0.014" OTW PTA balloon catheter when your works calls for a PTA balloon that is highly conformable and flexible—that can move through tortuous anatomy and then cross lesions easily. Available in a broad size offering—in balloons up to 210 mm in length and shafts 120 and 150 cm in length-- these balloons are ideally suited for treating long, diffuse, and distal lesions below the ankle and into the foot.
Cross and treat distal lesions in the lower leg with ease and then deflate the balloon quickly when using the NanoCrossTM 0.014" OTW PTA balloon catheter, available in 90 or 150 cm shaft lengths with balloons up to 210 mm long. The robust catheter design has improved push and track capabilities and a proprietary hydrophilic balloon coating that reduces friction.
Maintain control during high-pressure dilatation procedures with the Reef HPTM 0.035" PTA balloon catheter. The balloon's advanced polymer technology permits inflation up to 22 atm, the shafts are available in 50 cm (for AV-shunt treatment) and 80 or 120 cm (for peripheral applications) lengths, and there are a wide range of balloon lengths and diameters to choose from.
Choose Submarine Rapido™ 0.018” RX PTA balloon catheter when you need a delicate, yet high-performance balloon catheter for your carotid and renal interventions. Compatible with a low 6 F profile (most sizes) guiding catheter, Submarine Rapido balloons can be inflated up to 17 atm (selected sizes) and they are available in a wide range of sizes.
The following product has been discontinued. Please contact your local sales representative for information: PowerCross™ PTA balloon catheter
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