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Capture and remove debris that dislodges during interventional procedures with the SpiderFX™ embolic protection device. Debris can embolize downstream, blocking smaller vessels, resulting in procedural complications and poor patient outcomes. The device's braided nitinol basket is available in a number of sizes that allow for optimal vessel sizing. Choose the only embolic protection device indicated for use in lower extremity, carotid, and saphenous vein graft interventions.
Use the Mo.Ma™ Ultra proximal cerebral protection device to contain and remove all sizes of debris that can dislodge during interventional procedures in the carotid arteries. The Mo.Ma device with double-occlusion balloon system allows for proximal embolic protection to be established prior to crossing a carotid lesion.
The following product has been discontinued. Please contact your local sales representative for information: FiberNet™ embolic protection system.
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