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Efficiently cross CTOs above and below the knee and deliver guidewires, without the need for capital equipment, to enable treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with your therapy of choice. Choose the Viance™ crossing catheter, with its low profile, atraumatic tip. Maintain control of crossing with features that regulate the catheter's spinning motion to help direct the tip through the lesion and that provide audible feedback to confirm movement through the occlusion.
Target a vessel's true lumen from the subintimal space by using the Enteer™ re-entry catheter to cross chronic total occlusions (CTOs). Leverage the self-orienting balloon that, when combined with an Enteer guidewire, enables re-entry. With two balloon sizes and three guidewire options, the Enteer re-entry system can be used to access and cross lesions above or below the knee, without any capital equipment investment.
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