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In this educational video series, leading specialists discuss their clinical experiences treating aortic dissection.
We wish to thank the following surgeons for sharing their answers to questions about dissection treatment:
When to Treat with TEVAR - (03:00)
Can you talk with your urgent patients about the rationale around waiting?
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Treating Type B Aortic Dissection - (05:59)
When would you treat a Type B aortic dissection endovascularly?
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Treating Acute Uncomplicated Dissection - (01:46)
How would you treat an acute uncomplicated dissection?
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Treating Chronic Dissection - (04:46)
What is your approach to patients with chronic dissection?
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Clinical Evidence for TEVAR in Type B Aortic Dissections - (05:17)
What is the most compelling clinical evidence in favor of TEVAR in Type B aortic dissection?
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Surveillance Protocol - (02:14)
What is your typical surveillance protocol?
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Concerns with Treating Retrograde Type A Dissection - (03:08)
What are your concerns with retrograde Type A dissection?
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Graft Oversizing - (02:07)
How do you oversize your graft to treat dissection patients?
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Length of Coverage - (04:11)
What length of coverage do you recommend for acute and chronic dissection?
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Preoperative Spinal Drainage - (03:26)
Do you recommend preoperative spinal drainage?
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Outreach to Referring Physicians - (02:55)
To which specialty should dissection referral outreach be targeted?
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Dissection Awareness for Referring Physicians - (03:50)
What are some important factors to help increase dissection awareness with our referring physicians?
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