Onze werknemers in Sales
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Lees de ervaringen van medewerkers van onze verkoopafdeling.
"The innovation in the field of CRHF is going so fast, I must keep up to date constantly."
My job is very comprehensive; that’s the attractive part of my daily work. Several different activities allow me to reach the goals that I have and eventually want to achieve.
More about Barbra"Keeping the customer satisfied at the highest possible level is what we strive for every day."
As a therapy specialist, you must think fast and act accordingly. Sometimes you need to act within hours, to support the hospitals.
More about Gaëtan"Sales within Medtronic is different from that in other companies. You are selling products that are literally saving lives."
To me, my job is all about communicating about our innovations and looking for new partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders. It means that with the help of Medtronic, we can make healthcare more efficient, modern and effective.
More about Jeroen