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Vanwege het internationale karakter van ons bedrijf en onze medewerkers hebben we hun verhalen en ervaringen in het Engels weergegeven.
Jeroen has already been working at Medtronic his entire professional career, and that career is already quite an impressive one!
Together with his family, Jeroen lives in the town of Voerendaal in the Province of Limburg, which is only a stone's throw away from the Medtronic Heerlen office. He is married to Romee and a proud father of his baby daughter Jolie. Of course, Jeroen loves to spend time with his family. However, biking or playing football with his friends is another way to relax after a busy day at the office.
Not too long ago, Jeroen made the switch to Human Resources, after working in the finance area since 2010. Currently, he is a Senior HR Operational Excellence Manager and a Master Black Belt.
I am currently leading the deployment of operational excellence for Global Human Resources Operations. We intend to establish a culture of continuous improvement with a clear focus on the (internal) customer to drive business results.
I studied International Business and specialized in strategic marketing at the Maastricht University. During my studies, I completed an internship at the Marketing Diabetes department and returned to Medtronic after graduation. I joined the Financial Shared Service Center (FSSC) in 2010, where I held different roles in the Accounts Payable department. I also had the opportunity to explore the field of operational excellence/continuous improvement and developed myself to a Lean Sigma Master Black Belt.
I moved on to my next role leading the Finance Enterprise Excellence team (continuous improvement, learning & development and change management & communication). And earlier in 2019, I left finance to join the HR organization. I am now leading the deployment of operational excellence for Global HR Operations.
We are working on a cultural transformation, thereby applying our vision of embedding continuous process improvement in everything we do. In other words: making sure problem solving becomes part of the job instead of being an addition to it. Making sure everybody is aligned to that vision and is acting upon it in everything we do, every day, is the biggest and most exciting challenge.
Every day, I get to work with people from different functions, backgrounds and cultures on different initiatives. For me, every day is different, and you will never know what it will bring.
There are many aspects that I like about working for Medtronic. To highlight a few:
We should never forget who our ultimate customer is: the patient. In embedding operational excellence within HR or any other support function, we can better support the business and, with that, the patient.
‘Further, Together’ to me means that we truly work together towards one common goal. Independent of our backgrounds, our functions or our personal preferences, we should all do what is best for the company.
The annual patient event where patients share stories about how Medtronic therapies have helped to improve their lives, is always impressive and connects us back to why we’re doing our daily work.