Onze werknemers in Finance
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Lees de ervaringen van medewerkers van onze Finance-afdeling.
Vanwege het internationale karakter van ons bedrijf en onze medewerkers hebben we hun verhalen en ervaringen in het Engels weergegeven.
"Every day is different. Being someone who is bored quite easily, this is a very important aspect for me."
After 2.5 years in the EMEA Controlling Team,
I recently got the opportunity to become the Finance Lead of Germany for the Integrated Health Solutions group. This relatively new group offers services and solutions to our customers beyond devices.
The flexibility which I get in working cross functional on the different projects and working together with people of different backgrounds, departments and with different views on a project, make my job extremely interesting.
More about Erik"Being aware of cultural behavior and finding the best way to send our message across, is the most interesting part of my job."
The communication challenge is at the same time one of the most interesting parts of my job. Our customers are scattered across the region, and the opportunity of getting to know them and understanding their businesses, is what keeps us engaged and busy.
More about Catherine"The diversity of the great people I work with, is what I enjoy most in my role."
Being passionate about people development and contributing to advancing people’s careers is why Samir is seen as a true people manager.
More about Samir"Thinking of the bigger picture:
not only finding a solution for my own job or my department, but finding the best Medtronic solution."
I absolutely enjoy being a spider in the web. Being able to connect the different teams and departments, to assure we are reaching our end result in a timely fashion.
More about Ines