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This section of the website is aimed at members of the medical community (doctors, nursing professions, hospital administration, health insurance companies, etc.), if you’re a patient, please visit here.
The FocusSM workflow is a recommended and standardised approach for physicians interested in applying subcutaneous PNS in patients with chronic, intractable back pain.
Learn more about the SubQStim Clinical Study as well as the FocusSM workflow
Learn which FocusSM workflow guideline is backed up by which specific evidence
Select lead for broadest paraesthesia coverage.
Consider implanting leads directly outside/bracketing the area.
Results from post-hoc analyses of the SubQStim Study, PNFS Prospective Study, SubQ study and expert clinician review and input from the PNS Advisory Board.
The FocusSM workflow is guidance only and physicians should use their medical judgment and product labelling to optimise therapy for individual patients, which may require discontinuation or modification of the workflow.
* Neurostimulation for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) using percutaneous leads - A Medtronic PNS neurostimulation system is indicated for PNS as an aid in the management of chronic, intractable pain of the posterior trunk. Neurostimulation for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) using surgical leads – A Medtronic PNS neurostimulation system is indicated for PNS as an aid in the management of chronic, intractable pain of the trunk and/or limbs.