Perfusion Insider Fall 2015

Launch of Medtronic AFFINITY™ CP Centrifugal Blood Pump in Brazil Expands Worldwide Availability

The launch in Brazil of the Affinity™ CP Centrifugal Blood Pump means more perfusionists throughout the world will have access to Medtronic's centrifugal pump technology. A 40 mL low-prime centrifugal pump, the Affinity CP Pump gently handles blood, resulting in low hemolysis. Features supporting its broad global acceptance include:


Balance™ biosurface

  • Hydrophilic biosurface option without heparin
  • Reduces platelet adhesion and activation and preserves platelet function

Effective blood handling

  • Even flow with no stagnant blood zones
  • Low shear even near impeller fins
  • No areas of high pressure within the pump

Low heat generation

  • Average heat generation over 6 hour interval of 0.066° C/min
  • Reached and maintained a temperature equilibrium no higher than 44° C test


The Affinity CP Centrifugal Blood Pump with Biosurfaces provides more choice in centrifugal pump technology and expands the Affinity Family tradition of excellence in blood handling, consistent performance, and ease of use.

For more information or to trial the AFFINITY CP pump, contact your Medtronic representative or visit our website.


AFFINITY CP Centrifugal Blood Pump is now widely available throughout the world with Balance™ Biosurface.


Technology licensed under agreement from BioInteractions, Limited, United Kingdom