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Specialty Products

Hancock Specialty Products

Medtronic’s Hancock® Bioprosthetic Valved Conduits are designed for use in reconstructive procedures for the repair of congenital or acquired cardiac and great vessel malformations or pathology.


Hancock Bioprosthetic Valved Conduits

Hancock® Bioprosthetic Valved Conduits consist of a porcine aortic valve sutured into the center of a woven fabric conduit. The Hancock conduits are recommended for reconstruction of congenital or acquired cardiac and great vessel malformations or pathology.

These valved conduits are not intended for aortic root replacement.

Because the Hancock valved conduit does not incorporate a stent, the ratio of conduit outer diameter to inner diameter of the bioprosthesis is optimized.

The Hancock valved conduit is available in a wide range of sizes and models. Features include:

  • Haynes alloy #25 annulus ring prevents annular and leaflet distortion and preserves orifice shape.
  • A reinforcing ring external to the conduit prevents loss of leaflet coaptation and allows radiographic visualization.

Important Safety Information

Preclotting of the Hancock 105 and 150 valved conduits is recommended to minimize chance of hemorrhage. Reported complications include: valvular thrombosis, thromboembolism, calcification and fibrosis, valvular insufficiency, perivalvular insufficiency, valvular stenosis, leaflet perforation, significant transvalvular pressure gradients in small size bioprostheses, valve contamination, development of intraluminal peel, and hemorrhage through the graft and anastomotic sites.

For additional information, please refer to the Instructions for Use provided with the product.