Indications, Safety, and Warnings
Avalus™ Bioprosthesis
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Si, sono un operatore sanitario
Note: Ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’Art. 76 D.P.R. 445/2000 consapevole della responsabilità e delle conseguenze civili e penali previste in caso di dichiarazioni mendaci e/o formazione od uso di atti falsi, nonché in caso di esibizione atti contenenti dati non più corrispondenti a verità e consapevole altresì che qualora emerga la non veridicità del contenuto della presente decadranno i benefici per i quali la stessa è rilasciata confermo di essere un OPERATORE SANITARIO.
I contenuti presenti in questo sito contengono informazioni rivolte agli operatori sanitari, in quanto si riferiscono a prodotti rientranti nella categoria dei dispositivi medici che richiedono l’impiego o l’intervento da parte di professionisti del settore medico-sanitario.
Indications, Safety, and Warnings
Avalus™ Bioprosthesis
Indications: The Avalus bioprosthesis is indicated for the replacement of diseased, damaged, or malfunctioning native or prosthetic aortic valves for all patients ages. Contraindications: Do not use the valve if its use is not in the best interest of the patient. Evaluate all of the risks involved, including the anatomy and pathology observed at the time of surgery. Warnings/Precautions/Adverse Events: Only physicians who have received proper training in valve replacement should use this device. Accelerated structural deterioration due to calcific degeneration of bioprosthesis may occur in: children, adolescents, young adults, and patients with altered calcium metabolism (e.g., chronic renal failure, or hyperparathyroidism). Adverse events can include: angina, cardiac dysrhythmias, endocarditis, heart failure, hemolysis, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhage, infection other than endocarditis, transvalvular or paravalvular leak, myocardial infarction, nonstructural valve dysfunction (leaflet entrapment/impingement, obstructive pannus ingrowth, suture dehiscence, inappropriate sizing or positioning, or other), pericardial effusion or tamponade, prosthesis regurgitation, prosthesis stenosis, prosthesis thrombosis, stroke, structural valve deterioration (calcification, leaflet tear or perforation, or other), thromboembolism, tissue dehiscence, and transient ischemic attack. These complications could lead to reoperation, explant of the bioprosthesis, permanent disability, or death. Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
For a listing of indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and potential adverse events, please refer to the Instructions for Use. For countries that use eIFUs, consult instructions for use at Note: Manuals can be viewed using a current version of any major internet browser.
Medtronic Italia S.p.A. Società a socio unico soggetta ad attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Medtronic PLC.
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