Finding answers with the Reveal LINQ™ ICM System


William's fainting spell seemed to come out of nowhere. The first time it happened was just after he stood up to get a second cup of coffee. He was unconscious for 30 seconds while his parents and wife feared he was dead.  Another time, he was having dinner while on a cruise ship when, without warning, his head fell forward and he lost consciousness.

William experienced an ambulance trip, multiple visits to the hospital, and appointments with various types of physicians. Multiple tests showed nothing.

Years went by without incident until he was on another family vacation — this time to Paris. As he walked along a cobblestone street with his family, William collapsed.

"My face slammed into a cobblestone curb and knocked out my four front teeth. I had a cut under my chin, my mouth was gushing blood, I had a gash over my right eye, and I'd fractured my upper mandible on the left side of my jaw. I also had hairline fractures of the orbital bones under my eyes."

William returned to the United States for reparative surgery, and to meet with Dr. Mauricio Sanchez, an electrophysiologist who recommended the Reveal LINQ™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM). The device was inserted in February 2016 and the following August, Dr. Sanchez called William to tell him that an episode was detected. The data showed that, while William slept, he experienced an episode of Nonsustained SVT — 20 heartbeats in a 5-second span.

Today, following a successful ablation procedure, William is back to enjoying life. He works out multiple times a week and enjoys traveling with his family, playing basketball, tennis, and golf.

This story reflects one person's experience. Not every person will receive the same results. Talk to your doctor about your treatment options.