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Atrial Fibrillation Management Heart Monitoring Conditions

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How to manage Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common condition in which the upper chambers of the heart, or atria, fibrillate. This means that they beat very fast and irregularly so the heart can’t pump blood effectively to the rest of the body. People with AF are nearly 5 times more likely to have a stroke than someone who doesn’t have AF.1

Normal Heartbeat

Heart illustration showing a normal heart rhythm

A small pulse of electric current spreads quickly through the heart to make the muscle contract.  

Atrial Fibrillation

Heart illustration showing afib

In atrial fibrillation, the heart’s upper chambers quiver faster than the rest of the heart. 

Do you need a  cardiac monitor? 

If you have AF, or your doctor suspects that you do, cardiac monitoring may be necessary to determine how often and how long it occurs. Sometimes episodes of AF are infrequent and require longer-term monitoring and, in some cases, your doctor may also want to monitor how effective different treatments are at keeping your AF under control.


Accurate information is the key to better healthcare. Irregular heartbeats may occur infrequently, making the underlying condition hard to find and treat. Now, there’s a way. With continuous, long-term monitoring, your doctor can get information about your heart to help find the right answer for you.

Reveal Linq ICM for long-term monitoring 

The Reveal LINQ insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) provides data to your doctor that helps: 

  1. Guide therapy decisions
  2. Assess symptom and rhythm correlation
  3. Know when treatments to manage your AF are working
Reveal LINQ ICM with interior exposed on blue background

Continuous Monitoring

Up to 3 years of cardiac monitoring2

The Reveal LINQ system includes a small insertable cardiac monitor that continuously monitors your heart, records irregular heart rhythms, and provides data to your doctor through a bedside transmitter called the MyCareLink™ Patient Monitor.


Insertion procedure is minimally invasive and brief


100% of patients found Reveal LINQ ICM did not limit their activities of daily living3


One-third the size of a AAA battery (1.2 cc)

MRI Conditional

Safe for MRI at 1.5 and 3.0T, even on the same day of insertion*

Please talk to your doctor if you are interested in learning more about the Reveal LINQ system.

Reveal LINQ ICM has been demonstrated to pose no known hazards in a specified MRI environment with specified conditions of use. Please see the Reveal™ ICM clinician manual or MRI technical manual for more details.


Wolf PA, Abbott RD, Kannel WB. Atrial fibrillation as an independent risk factor for stroke: The Framingham Study. Stroke. August 1991;22(8):983-988.


Reference the Reveal LINQ ICM Clinician Manual for usage parameters.


Reveal LINQ Usability study. Medtronic data on file. 2013.