


"My insulin pump means the world to me."


Fourteen-year-old Shayaid Jobair Hossain Shimanto is no stranger to the perils of being a Diabetes patient. Being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the tender age of 8 was an overwhelming experience for his family and him. “From the reactions of my near and far relatives coupled with no knowledge of the disease and its prognosis, I presumed myself to be a socially handicapped child. While all my friends of similar age were enjoying a variety of food, I was constantly challenged on my nature of food intake and other chores of my daily life,” said Shimanto.

To his ever-increasing grief, the situation worsened when he was left with no other choice other than taking Multiple Daily Injections (MDI), also for a longer duration.. Despite maintaining a routine dosage no matter what the activity he felt not only deprived of freedom but also faced a hard time controlling glucose levels. “It was a tough time for me and my family," said Shimanto.

The efforts of his family to alleviate his constantly painful condition didn’t go in vain. He was introduced to insulin pump therapy by his doctor. After having consulted multiple doctors, he decided to switch over to insulin pump therapy.

“Since adopting the insulin pump, I’ve been able to maintain my glucose levels  much better. It’s come to an astonishing 6.8% HbA1c. It's in a word ‘fantastic’. With my pump, I can be spontaneous as always, I don't have to strenuously follow a routine, I am no more dependent on a paltry of choice when it comes to having food, and, adding much more to the fun, sport is much easier to me these days. The pump always boosts my confidence as I never feel left out. It's so convenient and nobody takes an eerie notice at me as it just looks like a phone. My insulin pump means the world to me,” says Shimanto.

The patient testimonial above relates an account of an individual’s response to treatment. The account is genuine, typical and documented. However, this patient’s response does not provide any indication, guide, warranty or guarantee as to the response other people may have to the treatment. The response other individuals have to the treatment could be different. Responses to the treatment can and do vary. Not every response is the same.

Any and all information provided is intended for general overview. Viewers taking any decision based on this are requested to seek professional advice.