


"Back to living fuller life "


Tarak Chandra Shaw, a 53 year old gentleman was living a contented life in Hooghly with his wife, son and his ageing mother. Tarak was very close to his mother and she meant the world to him, as after the demise of his father, it was she who had single-handedly taken the responsibility of the family. They dealt with all their joys and sorrows together until the ill-fated day of the 14th of August 2012, when his life took a dramatic turn.

The world changed for Tarak. His mother passed away, leaving Tarak alone to manage the entire responsibility of his family and the family business. Tarak was completely devastated. All at once he started feeling dizzy with a severe pain in his chest. Before he could understand what had gone wrong with him, Tarak also started sweating profusely and fell unconscious. His family immediately took him to their family physician in Hooghly and looking at his symptoms, the doctor asked them to get certain tests done. Tarak visited a heart screening camp. His reports disclosed certain abnormalities and further tests revealed two major blockages in his arteries. Tarak was recommended for an angioplasty without wasting any further time.

The family, while still in a state of shock, went about trying to put their funds together for Tarak’s surgery. His son even tried selling off their ancestral land in the village, but that would take long. This is when the counselor explained them and helped them understand the financial assistance through third party financing provided by Medtronic under the “Healthy Heart for All” program and organized for a loan so that he could undertake the procedure and get the stent implanted. Within the next three days, he had the life-saving drug eluting stent implanted and now he is living a very comfortable life. He can take care of his family business like before and fulfill all his responsibilities without any fear in mind. The device has given him a new lease of life and Tarak is thankful to have received this therapy that allows him to live a happier, fuller life.

The patient testimonial above relates an account of an individual’s response to treatment. The account is genuine, typical and documented. However, this patient’s response does not provide any indication, guide, warranty or guarantee as to the response other people may have to the treatment. The response other individuals have to the treatment could be different. Responses to the treatment can and do vary. Not every response is the same.

Any and all information provided is intended for general overview. Viewers taking any decision based on this are requested to seek professional advice.