※ Demonstrated in a preclinical study sponsored by Covidien, carried out on pigs in May 2013 with 6 surgeons and aiming at validating the design of Symbotex™ composite mesh - Covidien internal report 0901CR252a (June 2013).
1. D. Weyhe, W. Cobb, D. Lomanto et al. Comparative Analysis of the Performance of a Series of Meshes Based on Weight and Pore Size in a Novel Mini-pig Hernia Model – EHS 2013.
2. Assessed in a preclinical study sponsored by Covidien, initiated in May 2013, using a porcine model to evaluate local tissue effects and tissue integration of Symbotex™ Composite mesh vs Parietex™ Optimized composite mesh after laparoscopic ventral repair -Namsa report No.163005 (May 2013).
3. Demonstrated in a preclinical study sponsored by Covidien, carried out on pigs in May 2013 with 6 surgeons and aiming at validating the design of Symbotex™ composite mesh - Covidien internal report 0901CR252a (June 2013).
4. Based on the results of the Covidien sponsored preclinical study carried out on a porcine model to validate the design of Symbotex™ composite mesh - Covidien design validation report 0901CR249a (June 2013).