BiZact™ ハンドピースを用いた扁桃摘出術では
より痛みの少ない手術に貢献します 4-6
BiZact™ のシール部は通常血圧(収縮期)の
3倍の耐圧を持ちます 7
手術中の出血量低減に貢献します 1-3
1. Based on internal test report #RE00015788, Tissue testing. March 23,2017.
2. Wilson YL,Merer DM,Moscatello AL.Comaparison of three common tonsillectomy techniques: a prospective randomized,double-blinded clinical study.Laryngoscope.2009;119(1):162-170.
3. Jones DT,Kenna MA, Guidi J,Huang L,Johnston PR,Licameli GR. Comparison of postoperative pain in pediatric patients undergoing coblation tonsillectomy versus cautery tonsillectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2011;144(6):972-977.
4. Based on internal test report #RE00003687, Data collected during 17 procedures for product introduction. April–June 2017.
5. Roje Z, Racic G, Dogas Z, Pisac VP, Timms M.Postoperative morbidity and histopathologic characteristics of tonsillar tissue following coblation tonsillectomy in children: a prospective randomized single-blinded study. Coll Antropol. 2009;33(1):293–298.
6. Lachanas VA, Prokopakis EP, Bourolias CA, et al. LigaSure™ versus cold knife tonsillectomy.Laryngoscope. 2005;115(9):1591–1594.
7. BiZact™ Tonsillectomy Device[instructions for use].Boulder, CO:Medtronic;2017.
8. Based on internal test report #RE00077022,Porcine testing.Jan.9-10,2017.
9. Based on internal test report #RE00011247, Benchtop testing comparing the BiZact™ tonsillectomy device with the E1551X Valleylab™ Hex-locking blade electrode. March 23, 2017.