Facile ed efficiente
L'essenza della facilità
La potenza del cordless
Scopri il nuovo dissettore a ultrasuoni Sonicision 7 curved jaw.
Esplora le caratteristiche ed i benefici del nostro innovativo dispositivo a ultrasuoni.
Un generatore riutilizzabile consente:
Una batteria riutilizzabile non sterile fornisce:
Un caricabatterie 3,ΩΩΩ intuitivo e facile da usare che:
Ogni passo è importante nel viaggio verso l’innovazione clinica. Ecco perché valutiamo ogni componente del nostro sistema di dissezione a ultrasuoni senza fili attraverso questa lente e progettiamo soluzioni significative per le vostre esigenze più urgenti.
†23 out of 27 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
‡25 out of 27 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
§29 out of 33 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
Ω24 out of 29 (82%) nurses surveyed after use answered extremely easy (59%) or easy (24%).
††21 out of 27 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
‡‡33 out of 33 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
§§14 out of 14 (100%) nurses surveyed after use agreed.
ΩΩ30 out of 33 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
†††32 out of 33 surgeons surveyed after use agreed.
‡‡‡29 out of 29 (100%) nurses surveyed after use agreed, in comparison to the Ethicon Ace™* +7 or HD 1000i devices.
§§§Compared to the first-generation Sonicision™ system.
ΩΩΩ28 out of 28 (100%) nurses surveyed after use agreed.
††††27 out of 28 (96%) nurses surveyed after use agreed.
‡‡‡‡In a head-to-head comparison with the Harmonic Ace™* +7 device, 7 of 8 surgeons surveyed after use said the dual-mode activation button of the Sonicision™ 7 device was more intuitive to use than the activation buttons for the Harmonic Ace™* +7 device.
1. Based on internal test report #RE00329878 rev A, Marketing evaluation of surgeon experience using the Sonicision™ 7 curved jaw cordless ultrasonic dissector. Apr. 14–15 and 20-22, 2021.
2. Based on internal test report #R0042752 rev A, Marketing evaluation of surgeon experience using the Sonicision™ curved jaw cordless ultrasonic dissector. Feb. 13–17, Feb. 28, March 3, May 16, 2017.
3. Based on internal test report #R0049393 rev A, Operating room staff marketing evaluation of the Sonicision™ curved jaw cordless ultrasonic dissector. Dec. 1, 6–7, 2016.
4. Based on internal test report #RE00108733, rev A, Reusable life test verification report (SCGAA-TA9). August 24, 2017.
5. Based on internal test memo #RE00153542, rev B, Battery capacity comparison between SCB and SCBA. May 17, 2018.
6. Based on internal test report #R0042707, rev A, Reusable life test verification report for the SCBA reusable battery pack. April 26, 2017.
7. Based on internal test report #RE00113195, rev A, Reusable life test verification report for the SCBA reusable battery pack — Oxivir. September 13, 2017.