
Access and closure all in one 

The unique system features a special cannula that allows for defect closure without the need of additional devices. As a result, the VersaOne™ fascial closure system:

  • Provides procedure efficiency1*
  • Eliminates the need to remove the trocar before closing1,2
  • Makes re-insufflation unnecessary – pneumoperitoneum can be maintained throughout the procedure2
  • Enables tissue layers to remain aligned2

The VersaOne™ fascial closure system reduces the risk of port site herniation3

Port site hernias are a rare yet serious complication of laparoscopic surgery. Standard suture techniques can be difficult and often involve blind fascial closure.3

The VersaOne™ fascial closure system has been designed to avoid this complication. The special cannula enables fascia closure without the need for removing the port from the patient.

Equipped with a trocar guide, the VersaOne™ fascial closure system faciliates ideal suture placement around the defect, 5 mm each side, which has shown to reduce potential herniations.4,5

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
ONB12STFCS VersaOne™ Fascial Closure System Optical Trocar Box 6
B12STFCS VersaOne™ Fascial Closure System Bladed Trocar Box
FCSPASS VersaOne™ Fascial Closure System Reusable Suture Passer Box 1

Order Information

Award-Winning Design

The system is made up of four components:

  • The trocar guide – disposable guide that directs the suture passer through the tissues
  • Cannula – enables suture positioning with the suture passer
  • Trocar – low-profile and ergonomic, available in an Optical or a Bladed versions
  • Reusable suture passer – facilitates suture placement through the guide

Key features include:

  • A distal black band to ensure correct alignment with the peritoneum for proper suture placement1
  • A black arrow to indicate where the suture passer will exit the cannula window 
Medical Design Excellence Awards

Gold Winner

The Medical Design Excellence Awards named our VersaOne™ fascial closure system a Gold Winner in their emergency room and operating room tools category.

Learn More
  • * Saves time compared to standalone closure device, suture passers, and hand sutures.
  • 1. Based on internal validation report RE00098009 Rev A, DoubleTime VersaOne™ fascial closure system Miami lab VOC report. March 28, 2017. 
  • 2. Based on internal validation report RE00062341 Rev A, Summative usability of project DoubleTime VersaOne™ fascial closure system. Aug 24–25, 2016.
  • 3. Shaher Z. Port closure techniques. Surg Endosc. 2007;21:1264–1274.
  • 4. Based on internal report RE00079705, Fascial closure system bite size verification. Nov 5, 2014.  
  • 5. Israelsson LA. Abdominal incision closure: small but important bites. Lancet. 2015;386:1216–1218.