
Continuous Monitoring for Every Area of Care

Traditionally, one calibration curve or a limited set of curves is programmed within the monitor. With OxiMax™ technology, the calibration is in the sensor, giving clinicians the ability to take advantage of new sensor designs without always upgrading the monitor.

Founded on three basic principles:

  • Track the truth
  • Give no false assurance
  • Do no harm

These principles guide the design of our Nellcor™ pulse oximetry with OxiMax™ technology, which provides clinical performance that helps ensure appropriate oxygenation throughout the cardiorespiratory cycle-even in such difficult monitoring conditions as low perfusion and signal interference, including patient motion.1

Product Features

LoSat expanded accuracy feature Nellcor™ SpO2 adhesive sensors offer LoSat expanded accuracy when used with OxiMax™ technology.

LoSat expanded accuracy:

  • Offers industry-leading accuracy during low saturation conditions, 60% to 80% SpO2 +/-3
  • Enables informed clinical decisions for patients in low saturation range
  • Available across the entire line of Nellcor SpO2 adhesive sensors, including Nellcor SpO2 forehead sensors

How to Order

For additional information or to place an order, call Customer Service at +44 (0) 19 2320 2504.

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
MAX-A-I/MAX-AL-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Adult >30 kg Case 24
MAX-N-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Neonatal/Adult <3 kg or >40 kg Case 24
MAX-I-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Infant 3-20 kg Case 24
MAX-P-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Pediatric 10-50 kg Case 24
MAX-R-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Adult Nasal >50 kg Case 24
Adhesive SpO2 Sensors
Comfortable, form-fitting sensors
Suitable for long-term monitoring
Single-patient use
Weight ranges:
Adult: >30 kg
Neonatal/Adult: <3 kg or >40 kg
Infant: 3 – 20 kg
Pediatric: 10 – 50 kg
Adult Nasal: >50 kg

Order Information

  • † LoSat expanded accuracy range applies to the Nellcor OxiMax N-600 pulse oximetry modules.
  • 1. Covidien FDA 510(k) K123581.
  • 2. Covidien FDA 510(k) K012891.