placeNew Zealand


Continuous Monitoring for Every Area of Care

Traditionally, one calibration curve or a limited set of curves is programmed within the monitor. With OxiMax™ technology, the calibration is in the sensor, giving clinicians the ability to take advantage of new sensor designs without always upgrading the monitor.

Founded on three basic principles:

  • Track the truth

  • Give no false assurance

  • Do no harm

These principles guide the design of our Nellcor pulse oximetry with OxiMax™ technology, which provides clinical performance that helps ensure appropriate oxygenation throughout the cardiorespiratory cycle-even in such difficult monitoring conditions as low perfusion and signal interference, including patient motion.2

NellcorTM Pulse Oximetry Brochure

Explore our range of monitors and sensors to suit all your clinical and patient needs. 

View Brochure


LoSat expanded accuracy feature Nellcor™ SpO2 adhesive sensors offer LoSat expanded accuracy when used with OxiMax™ technology.

LoSat expanded accuracy:

  • Offers accuracy during low saturation conditions1, 60% to 80% SpO2 +/-3
  • Enables informed clinical decisions for patients in low saturation range
  • Available across the entire line of Nellcor SpO2 adhesive sensors, including Nellcor SpO2 forehead sensors

† LoSat expanded accuracy range applies to the Nellcor OxiMax N-600 pulse oximetry modules.

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
MAXAI/MAX-AL-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Adult >30 kg Case 24
MAX-N-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Neonatal/Adult <3 kg or >40 kg Case 24
MAX-I-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Infant 3-20 kg Case 24
MAX-P-I Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Paediatric 10-50 kg Case 24
MAXRI Nellcor™ SpO2 Adhesive Sensors, Adult Nasal >50 kg Case 24
Adhesive SpO2 Sensors
Comfortable, form-fitting sensors
Suitable for long-term monitoring
Single-patient use
Weight ranges:
Adult: >30 kg
Neonatal/Adult: <3 kg or >40 kg
Infant: 3 – 20 kg
Paediatric: 10 – 50 kg
Adult Nasal: >50 kg

Order Information

  • 1. Mannheimer PD, Nooshin AA et al. NellcorTM OximaxTMPulse Oximeter Accuracy, White Paper, 2006.
  • 2. Covidien FDA 510(k) K123581.
  • 3. Covidien FDA 510(k) K012891.