placeNew Zealand

The INVOS system’s validation is extensive

The only cerebral oximeter on the market to be tested and validated under varying levels of CO2 to ensure measurement sensitivity during changing levels of blood volume under the sensor.([FOOTNOTE=Kim M, Ward D, Cartwright C, et al. Estimation of jugular venous O2 saturation from cerebral oximetry or arterial O2 saturation during isocapnic hypoxia. J Clin Monit Comput. 2000;16(3):191-99.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

  Validation: FIO2normoxia and hypoxia Validation: CO2normocarbia and hypercarbia Validation: Published emitter sensor spacing Validation: Published sensitivity to changes in oxygenation
INVOS™ 5100C monitor

Yes1 Yes1 Yes([FOOTNOTE=Hongo K, Kobayashi S, Okudera H, Hokama M, Nakagawa F. Noninvasive cerebral optical spectroscopy: Depth-resolved measurements of cerebral haemodynamics using indocyanine green. Neurol Res. 1995;17(2):89-93.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) Yes1

The INVOS system’s validation is extensive

The only cerebral oximeter on the market to be tested and validated under varying levels of CO2 to ensure measurement sensitivity during changing levels of blood volume under the sensor.([FOOTNOTE=Kim M, Ward D, Cartwright C, et al. Estimation of jugular venous O2 saturation from cerebral oximetry or arterial O2 saturation during isocapnic hypoxia. J Clin Monit Comput. 2000;16(3):191-99.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

  Validation: FIO2normoxia and hypoxia Validation: CO2normocarbia and hypercarbia Validation: Published emitter sensor spacing Validation: Published sensitivity to changes in oxygenation
INVOS™ 5100C monitor

Yes1 Yes1 Yes([FOOTNOTE=Hongo K, Kobayashi S, Okudera H, Hokama M, Nakagawa F. Noninvasive cerebral optical spectroscopy: Depth-resolved measurements of cerebral haemodynamics using indocyanine green. Neurol Res. 1995;17(2):89-93.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) Yes1