placeNew Zealand


Gain insight into brain response with BIS™ technology1

Bispectral Index™ (BIS™) monitoring enhances the clinician’s patient-targeted approach to induction, maintenance, and emergence. BIS™ technology non-invasively measures and interprets brain wave activity directly related to the effects of anaesthetic agents.

Among other benefits, BIS™ technology:

  • Helps the clinician customise anaesthetic dosing to individual patient physiologies
  • Indicates hypnotic effect through the easy-to-­read BIS™ index
  • May be associated with improved patient outcomes as validated in multiple clinical studies2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Brain monitoring is an adjunctive technology that should not be used as the sole basis for diagnosis or clinical decision-making.

BIS™ monitoring-guided TIVA

Discover how BIS™ based protocols can help you monitor and tailor anaesthesia for each patient.

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BIS™ Complete 4-Channel and 2-Channel Monitors

The BIS™ monitor translates the raw EEG data into the easy-to-read BIS™ index.

Both 2-channel and 4-channel monitors provide:

  • User-configurable display
  • Versatile platform for future expandability

The 4-channel monitor provides:

  • Four-channel EEG monitoring
  • Asymmetry Indicator (ASYM)
  • Ability to trend BIS-Left and BIS-Right values
Order Information
BNAU186-BISX2 BIS™ Complete 2-Channel Monitor System (AU) Each 1
BNNZ186-BISX2 BIS™ Complete 2-Channel Monitor System (NZ) Each 1
186-BISX4 BIS™ Complete 4-Channel Monitoring System (ANZ) Each 1
186-0195-AMS BIS™ Vista BISX2 Cable kit Each 1
186-0224-AMS BIS™ Vista BISX4 Cable kit Each 1
186-0201-AMS BIS™ Vista Replacement Host Cable Each 1
186-1018-AMS BIS™ BISX4 Patient Interface Cable (PIC+) Each 1
186-0107 BIS™ Patient Interface Cable (PIC+) Each 1
186-0137 BIS™ Sensor Simulator Each 1
186-0106 BIS™ Quatro Sensor Case 25
186-0160 BIS™ Extend (Extended Use) Sensor Case 25
186-0200 BIS™ Paediatric Sensor Case 25
186-0212 BIS™ Bilateral Sensor Case 10
Trended parameters BIS, SQI, EMG, SR, BC BIS, SQI, EMG, SR, BC, SEF
BIS™ alarm Upper and lower limit, results in visual and audible alert when out of range Upper and lower limit, results in visual and audible alert when out of range

Order Information


BIS™ monitoring technology provides information about patient status to help clinicians address each patients anaesthetic requirements. This may be valuable for:

  • Patients with complex conditions whose status may suddenly or frequently change
  • Patients with cardiovascular conditions
  • Obese patients
  • Trauma patients or others requiring reduced levels of anaesthesia

BIS™ monitoring technology aids clinicians to:

  • Assess consciousness and sedation separately from cardiovascular reactivity
  • Manage anaesthetic goals of hypnosis, analgesia, and immobility

BIS™ technology may help:

  • Reduce emergence and recovery time2
  • Reduce anaesthetic drug use2
  • Reduce the risk of awareness during surgery5,8

  • 1. Dershwitz M. Should we measure depth of anesthesia? Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain. 2001;20(4):246-256. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)
  • 2. Gan TJ, Glass PS, Windsor A, et al. Bispectral index monitoring allows faster emergence and improved recovery from propofol, alfentanil, and nitrous oxide anesthesia. BIS Utility Study Group. Anesthesiology. 1997;87(4):808-815. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)
  • 3. Punjasawadwong Y, Boonjeungmonkol N, Phongchiewboon A. Bispectral index for improving anaesthetic delivery and postoperative recovery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2007;17(4):CD003843. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)
  • 4. White PF, Ma H, Tang J, Wender RH, Sloninsky A, Kariger R. Does the use of electroencephalographic bispectral index or auditory evoked potential index monitoring facilitate recovery after desflurane anesthesia in the ambulatory setting? Anesthesiology. 2004;100(4):811-817. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)
  • 5. Myles PS, Leslie K, McNeil J, Forbes A, Chan MT. Bispectral index monitoring to prevent awareness during anaesthesia: the B-Aware randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2004;363(9423):1757-1763. (Some unrestricted funding for this study was provided by Aspect Medical Systems (Newton, MA, USA). )
  • 6. Avidan MS, Zhang L, Burnside BA, et al. Anesthesia awareness and the bispectral index. N Engl J Med. 2008;13;358(11):1097-1108. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)
  • 7. Avidan MS, Mashour GA. Prevention of intraoperative awareness with explicit recall: making sense of the evidence. Anesthesiology. 2013;118(2):449-456. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)
  • 8. Ekman A, Lindholm ML, Lennmarken C, Sandin R. Reduction in the incidence of awareness using BIS monitoring. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004;48(1):20-26. (This study was supported by a grant from Aspect Medical Systems, MA - now Covidien / Medtronic)
  • 9. Luginbühl M, Wüthrich S, Petersen-Felix S, Zbinden AM, Schnider TW. Different benefit of bispectal index (BIS) in desflurane and propofol anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2003;47(2):165-173. (No funding or sponsorship provided by Medtronic for this study)