Each decision directly impacting on our own life.
Or the people we care for and the world around us.
We all know that fresh air brings numerous health-giving benefits.
The Valleylab™ Smoke Evacuation System removes smoke in less than 30 seconds from the peritoneal cavity.2
For healthier people in a healthier work-place
The Valleylab™ Laparoscopic Smoke Evacuation System effectively and efficiently removes surgical smoke from the OR during laparoscopic procedures.2,Ω
2x FASTER smoke removal with the Valleylab™ system compared to competitive, passive-evacuation devices.1,†
It’s your choice whether to enhance the view at the surgical site2,‡ and avoid procedural delays caused by obscured vision.30 seconds is how fast the system removes the majority of smoke from the peritoneal cavity.1
We all know that fresh air brings numerous health-giving benefits; And that’s why every O.R. is a healthier place without surgical smoke; In both open and laparoscopic procedures
† As compared with Cooper PlumeAway™*, SeeClear™* and Pall Laproshield™*
Ω 9 out of 10 surgeons surveyed after use agreed
‡ 10 of 10 surgeons surveyed after use agreed the device improved visualization vs. non-evacuation
1. Based on Buffalo Filter report #PR- 18001 rev A, Filter visualization. Feb. 28, 2018.
2. Based on internal test report #RE00139506 rev A, Bourbon: Valleylab™ laparoscopic smoke evacuation system nurses and surgeons claims report. March 12, 2018.