
Making Sense of Complex Ventilator Data

Helping make sense of complicated data by keeping track of more than 90 monitored parameters for up to 72 hours. Multiple setups help clinicians assess the effectiveness of interventions over time.

Essential critical care tools — such as patient monitors, IV pumps, and ventilators — can create potentially overwhelming amounts of data for clinicians.

Puritan Bennett™ trending software can help make sense of the complex data. It keeps track of up to 91 monitored parameters for up to 72 hours. Its seven configurations can be set up easily and customized to help clinicians assess the effectiveness of interventions over time.

Product Features

The Puritan Bennett™ trending software option may help clinicians assess the effectiveness of current therapy.

Trending software offers:

  • Monitored patient data/events for up to 72 hours
  • Up to 89 trended parameters in a drop-down menu†
  • Seven presets including the most commonly trended parameters
  • Fast scrolling cursor for quick navigation
  • Graphical and tabular displays
  • Automatic and manually placed event markers
    • Up to 40 events recorded automatically when mode/settings are changed
    • Menu of 26 manual events to mark activities (e.g. suctioning or weaning)

The trending software option can display the most recent settings changes in a 72-hour period.

Note: Events are based on circuit type and not all events are available in all conditions. Refer to Puritan Bennett™ 980

How to Order

For additional information or to place an order, call Customer Service at +44 (0) 19 2320 2504.

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
10020408 Trending Software Option Each 1
Available Trended Ventilator Settings
Ventilator Setting Symbol
Expiratory Sensitivity [ESENS]
Respiratory Rate [f]
Peak Inspiratory Flow [V̇MAX]
I:E Ratio [I:E]
Oxygen Percentage [O2%]
High Pressure (in BiLevel) [PH]
Low Pressure (in BiLevel) [PL]
Inspiratory Pressure [PI]
Pressure Support Level [PSUPP]
Rise Time % Rise-time-percent
Flow Sensitivity [V̇SENS]
Pressure Sensitivity [PSENS]
High Time (in BiLevel) [TH]
Low Time (in BiLevel) [TL]
TH:TL Ratio [TH:TL]
Inspiratory Time [TI]
Expiratory Time [TE]
Tidal Volume (in VC, VC+) [VT]
Volume Support Level (in VS) [VT SUPP]
Percent Support - PAV [% Supp]
Percent Support - TC [% Supp]
High Spontaneous Inspiratory Time Limit [2TI SPONT]
Apnea Interval [TA]
Predicted Body Weight [PBW]
Alarm Volume [Alarm Volume]
Expiratory Sensitivity (PAV) [ESENS PAV]
Tube Size [Tube Size]
Plateau Time [TPL]
Increase O2% [+O2%]
IE Sync trigger sensitivity [ISENS]
Tidal volume/PBW Ratio [VT/PBW]
Support Volume per kg VT SUPP/PBW
Humidifier volume [Humid Vol]
Available Trended Patient Data Parameters
Available Trended Patient Data Parameters
Patient Data Parameter Symbol
Dynamic Compliance CDYN
PAV-based Lung Compliance CPAV
Static Lung Compliance CSTAT
PAV-based Lung Elastance EPAV
End Expiratory Flow EEF
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate PEF
Peak Spontaneous Flow Rate PSF
Total Respiratory Rate fTOT
I:E Ratio I:E
Negative Inspiratory Force NIF
Oxygen Percentage (monitored) O2%
P100 P0.1
End Expiratory Pressure PEEP
Intrinsic PEEP PEEPI
PAV-based Intrinsic PEEP PEEPI PAV
Mean Circuit Pressure PMEAN
Peak Circuit Pressure PPEAK
Plateau Pressure PPL
Spontaneous Rapid Shallow Breathing Index f/VT
Dynamic Resistance RDYN
PAV-based Patient Resistance RPAV
Static Resistance RSTAT
PAV-based Total Airway Resistance RTOT
Spontaneous Inspiratory Time TI SPONT
Spontaneous Inspiratory Time Ratio TI/TTOT
Vital Capacity VC
Exhaled Minute Volume V̇E TOT
Exhaled Spontaneous Minute Volume E SPONT
Exhaled Tidal Volume VTE
Exhaled Spontaneous Tidal Volume VTE SPONT
Exhaled Mandatory Tidal Volume VTE MAND
Inspired Tidal Volume VTI
Work of Breathing WOBTOT
Percent Leak %LEAK
Inspiratory Leak VLEAK
Exhaled Tidal Volume per kg PBW VTE/PBW
End Inspiratory Pressure PI END
Inspired Tidal Volume per kg PBW VTI/PBW
End Tidal CO2 ETCO2
Compliance Ratio C20/C
Inspiratory Time Constant 3TauI
Missed Triggers (During IE Sync Monitoring) TRIGM
Estimated inspiratory volume during Leak Sync VTL
Leak Rate at PEEP LEAK
Exhalation leak at PEEP during Leak Sync measured by the proximal flow sensor LEAKY
Inspired tidal volume measured by the proximal flow sensor VTIY
Inspired tidal volume measured by the proximal flow sensor per kg PBW VTIY/PBW
Estimated inspiratory volume during Leak Sync per kg PBW VTL/PBW
Exhaled tidal volume measured by the proximal flow sensor VTEY
Exhaled tidal volume measured by the proximal flow sensor per kg PBW VTEY/PBW
Exhaled spontaneous tidal volume measured by the proximal flow sensor VTE SPONTY
Exhaled spontaneous minute volume measured by the proximal flow sensor E SPONTY
Exhaled mandatory tidal volume when the proximal flow sensor is enabled VTEY MAND
Inspiratory tidal volume during Leak Sync measured by the proximal flow sensor VTLY
Estimated inspiratory volume per kg PBW during Leak Sync measured by the proximal flow sensor VTLY/PBW
Exhaled minute volume when the proximal flow sensor is enabled E TOTY

Order Information


Medtronic announced that it has decided to keep the Patient Monitoring and Respiratory Intervention businesses as a part of Medtronic, given changing market conditions. These businesses will get increased investment and be combined and called Acute Care & Monitoring (ACM).

Medtronic also made the decision to exit the ventilator product line.

Amid evolving market conditions and a shift to lower acuity ventilators, this decision aligns with Medtronic’s strategy to concentrate resources on our market-leading positions and accelerate innovation-driven growth.

While this decision will take time and planning, we are committed to supporting our existing ventilation customers. We will continue to provide service and support throughout the ventilator life cycle, along with meeting our service contract obligations.
For more information, please visit our website.

  • †Viewing of all 91 parameters requires installation of the VV+, PAV+™, Respiratory Mechanics, and BiLevel 2.0 software for the Puritan Bennett 980 ventilator.
  • *Proportional Assist and PAV are registered trademarks of The University of Manitoba, Canada. Used under license.