Risks/complications of bariatric surgery

Does bariatric surgery have risks?

Like all surgical procedures, bariatric surgery is not risk-free. But given the excess weight of patients and the other serious medical conditions they often face, modern bariatric procedures have strong evidence of effectiveness and safety.1,2 Yes, the procedures address body weight. But bariatric surgery also addresses the chemical process that happen in the body.3 Get familiar with potential risks and complications here.

There are many scare stories in the media. But according to high-quality clinical studies, the changes of dying form bariatric surgery are very low. In fact, laparoscopic bariatric surgery has a comparable mortality rate as the perceived low -risk procedures such as laparoscopic gallbladder removal (rates of around 0.1% have been reported) and knee arthroplasty (0.3% of patients risk dying)1   

Complications after surgery can be life-threatening, however, and must be treated promptly.

Potential complications

Acute complications can include gastrointestinal leaks and fistulas, bleeding, bowel blockage, marginal ulcers, venous thrombosis (blood clots), internal hernia, and/or dumping syndrome (a rapid digestion process including cramps and diarrhoea).

Potential long-term complications 

There are also risks of long-term complications that may not appear for months or years. These include dumping syndrome, certain mental health issues, and nutritional deficiencies that can potentially be dangerous if untreated.3 

Multivitamin and mineral supplements may be able to prevent many types of nutritional deficits.3 Your healthcare team will likely emphasise the need to take specific vitamins.3 Your healthcare team will also encourage you to attend all follow-up appointments for nutritional monitoring.3 This is to avoid potentially severe complications such as metabolic bone disease, anaemia, neurological disorders, and protein deficiencies.

Despite patients on average reporting higher quality of life,3 there is also an increased risk of certain mental health issues. This includes self-harm and alcohol use disorder.3 Awareness of the increased risks of mental health issues is important.3 So is the ability to discuss treatment and support.3 

Talk to a bariatric surgery professional

Before deciding whether to pursue bariatric surgery, it is, of course, important to consult a bariatric clinic about your potential risks. Both you and your medical team want to minimise any chance of potential complications. 

If you decide to pursue bariatric surgery, remember that proper education is important to optimise health outcomes as well as reduce risks.3 Your healthcare team will likely provide education on what to expect and any warning signs to watch for. 

Do follow any medical guidance on dietary recommendations,3 including how much water to drink and how often to drink it, how much protein to eat, and what vitamins to take. While many risks factors are out of a patient’s control, complying with medical guidance can help reduce the risks of long-term complications.3 


1. Robertson AG, Wiggins T, Robertson FP et al. Periopera have mortality in bariatric surgery: meta-analysis. British Journal of Surgery. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjs/znab245

2. Arterburn DE, Telem DA, Kushner, RF et al. Benefits and Risks of Bariatric Surgery in Adults: A Review. Jama. 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.12567

3. Wilson R, Aminian A, Tahrani, A. Metabolic Surgery: A clinical update. Wiley. 2020 DOI: 10.1111/dom.14235


Information contained herein is not medical advice and should not be used as an alternative to speaking with your doctor. 
Discuss indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse events and any further information with your health care professional.