
Studies show that remote patient monitoring technology can reduce never events([FOOTNOTE=Slight SP, Franz C, Olugbile M, Brown HV, Bates DW, Zimlichman E. The return on investment of implementing a continuous monitoring system in general medical-surgical units. Crit Care Med. 2014;42(8):1862-8.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) and code blues.([FOOTNOTE=Brown H, Terrence J, Vasquez P, Bates DW, Zimlichman E. Continuous monitoring in an inpatient medical-surgical unit: a controlled clinical trial. Am J Med. 2014;127(3):226-32.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) The Vital Sync™ monitoring and clinical decision support solution gives you remote access to your patient's information, so you can identify patient deterioration sooner - and intervene earlier. Similar wireless systems have been demonstrated to improve detection of evolving patient deterioration, assist providers in decision making in emergency situations, and improve patient outcomes.([FOOTNOTE=Schmidt, P. E., Meredith, P., Prytherch, D. R., et al. Impact of introducing an electronic physiological surveillance system on hospital mortality. BMJ Qual Saf. 2015;24(1):10-20.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])


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Vital Sync™ Monitoring and CDS Solution

The Vital Sync™ monitoring and clinical decision support (CDS) solution integrates information from wearable and bedside devices and transmits it to a hospital server. This single software platform helps clinicians gain more value from their medical devices, so they can:

  • Take clinical action with immediate access to smart, actionable data
  • Enable adherence to established clinical protocols through use of CDS apps
  • View patient physiological information remotely
  • Receive updates and alerts on any web-enabled device

Whether a clinician is across the room, across the hospital, or across town- they will always be at their patients' side.

Patient Monitoring & Respiratory Interventions


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