People display normal variability in their breathing patterns even at rest. In contrast, although a necessary medical intervention, mechanical ventilation uses some sort of fixed parameter in almost all currently available modes.
The best way to describe asynchrony is to call it poor patient-ventilator interaction. Patient-ventilator interaction is dependent upon many variables. Some of those are:
Asynchrony occurs at varying degrees depending on the patient population and the mechanical ventilation strategy employed. The most common types of asynchrony are ineffective efforts and double triggers.
Patient-ventilator asynchrony is typically uncomfortable for the patient. In addition, it may have an impact on patient outcomes. Epstein1 put together a list of adverse effects associated with poor patient-ventilator interaction:
Investigators have examined the relationship between patient-ventilator asynchrony and outcomes. Thille et al2 found patients with an asynchrony index >10% had a longer duration of mechanical ventilation and were more likely to need a tracheostomy. de Wit et al3 found that those patients who had an ineffective trigger index of >10% had a longer duration of mechanical ventilation, a worse 28-day ventilator-free survival, and a longer ICU time and hospital stay. Patients in the ineffective trigger group were less likely to be discharged to home. Varon et al4 found that mortality was higher in patients with an asynchrony index >30%.
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