How to succeed in the interview process with Medtronic

Learn more about how you can succeed in our interview process.



Before you apply for a role, do your own “due diligence”. Go through our website, read the job advertisement carefully and  take a look at our LinkedIn content to get a feeling about Medtronic. 

It is also crucial for you to be aware of what you expect from the role, your manager and your team, as well as what you need personally to be successful. The best job-fit comes from your technical skills and knowledge as well as your own values, needs and development desires.

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Some things to consider when creating your CV/resume:

  • Make your contact information prominent.
  • Put your most recent experience first.
  • For each CV/resume you send, highlight only the accomplishments and skills that are most relevant to the job for which you are applying.
  • Your main selling points should be clear and easy to review.
  • When reviewing your CV/resume, think about how you can stand out by adding information about how your contributions benefited your team or company.


  • Know Us: Today, Medtronic is more than a medical technology company. We are a healthcare solutions provider. This expanded role requires us to find candidates who are ready to help us achieve our Mission in new and different ways. Collaborating. Forging new partnerships. And stretching the limits of innovation to truly transform the way healthcare is delivered. Join us as we change healthcare worldwide.
  • Be Yourself: During our short interview, we want to get to know you. Who are you, what are you good at, and what do you want to do with your life? Let’s make the most of this opportunity to see if we are a fit and help to ensure a successful relationship. The best way to do that is to be yourself, speak truthfully, sincerely and show your personality.
  • Do Your Research: Since Medtronic is a global company that focuses on medical technology and healthcare solutions, we'll expect you to know a little about our history and what we do. We encourage you to become familiar with our industry, the challenges we face, and the competitive landscapes where we operate. A great place to start is by reviewing Medtronic’s Mission statement and corporate responsibility page.
  • Show Us Your Passion: Passion is one key characteristic that makes our employees successful. Not just a passion for our technologies and our industry but a passion for learning, innovating and making a difference as global citizens. What are you passionate about? Tell us — we want to know how you’d leverage that passion to be successful at Medtronic.
  • Interview Us: We understand you're in the process of making a decision that will impact your career for many years to come. Take this opportunity to ask us about Medtronic's involvement in the community and how we develop our organization, people and vision. Ask questions that are important to you. Our interview is also an opportunity for you to determine if we are right for you and your future.


We believe you should have access to your application and interview status at any time. Log on to our system to check yours. If you need assistance with completing the online application process, please contact

Please try to be patient — there may be no status change visible for a time after you apply. It often takes a while to find the best candidate for the role and there are many variables at play, some completely unrelated to you and your application.

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