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Powered Surgical Instruments


Products Quick Facts
Midas Rex MR7 Drills

Midas Rex MR7 High-Speed Pneumatic Surgical Drills

Surgical drills with exceptional power and performance* for spinal, cranial, ENT, orthopaedic, and other procedures

Midas Rex Stylus Drills

Midas Rex Legend EHS Stylus High-Speed Electric Surgical Drills

Its high torque and compact size are suited for a wide range of surgeries, including spine, neurotology, and ENT procedures

Legend Tools/Attachments

Midas Rex Legend Attachments and Dissecting Tools

A comprehensive selection of interchangeable attachments and tools for use with electric and pneumatic Midas Rex surgical drills

Midas Rex Microsaws

Midas Rex Microsaws

Maximum reliability with minimum vibration, precise blades for multiple specialties, and integrated on-saw irrigation

Triton High-Torque Handpieces

Triton Handpieces High-Torque and Microsaws

Performance and reliabilty for spinal, cranial, and orthopaedic surgery


Compared to Midas Rex Legend Gold System.

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