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Dieser Bereich der Website richtet sich ausschliesslich an medizinische Fachpersonen (Ärzte, Pflegeberufe, Spitalverwaltung, Krankenkassen etc.).
Patienten finden Informationen hier.
Adult Cannulae | Quick Facts |
Cannulae used to provide the interface between the patient and the extracorporeal circuit. |
Cannulae used to facilitate adequate myocardial protection to the heart during cardiopulmonary bypass. |
Suction devices used to clear the field of debris and provide adequate venting during cardiopulmonary bypass and accessory products that help to facilitate surgeries through ease of use. |
Pediatric Cannulae | Quick Facts |
Pediatric cannulae used to provide the interface between the patient and the extracorporeal circuit. |
Pediatric cannulae used to facilitate adequate myocardial protection to the heart.
Suction devices in smaller sizes to clear the field of debris and accessory products that help to facilitate surgeries through ease of use. |
Care and caution should be taken to avoid damage to vessels and cardiac tissue during cannulation or other cardiac procedures.
For a listing of indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings and potential adverse events, please refer to the Instructions for Use. Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to or on the order of a physician.
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