Meaningful Innovation Case Study: Medtronic Care Management Services

Medtronic Care Management

Les maladies cardiovasculaires, qui comprennent l’insuffisance cardiaque, l’arythmie et les problèmes valvulaires cardiaques, sont à l’origine d’un grand nombre de décès partout dans le monde. Selon les statistiques de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, elles sont la principale cause de décès à l’échelle mondiale. En 2012, les maladies cardiovasculaires ont causé le décès d’environ 17,5 millions de personnes, ce qui représente 31 % des décès dans le monde. Plus des trois quarts des décès liés aux maladies cardiovasculaires ont lieu dans des pays à faible ou moyen revenu1.

Au Canada en particulier, la cardiopathie est la principale cause de décès chez les hommes et les femmes1 et ses répercussions sur le système de soins de santé canadien sont énormes. Selon la Fondation des maladies du cœur et de l’AVC :

  • 1,3 million de Canadiens souffrent d’une cardiopathie2;
  • les cardiopathies et les AVC coûtent 20,9 milliards de dollars par année à l’économie canadienne en services donnés par les médecins, frais hospitaliers, salaires perdus et baisse de la productivité3;
  • Au Canada, une personne fait un infarctus du myocarde toutes les 7 secondes, ce qui totalise 70 000 infarctus par année4.

De nombreuses personnes âgées se retrouvent à l’urgence à cause de l’insuffisance cardiaque et, souvent, elles doivent être hospitalisées. En raison de la population vieillissante, le problème est d’autant plus généralisé, et coûteux. Selon le Bulletin de santé 2016 : Le fardeau de l’insuffisance cardiaque de la Fondation des maladies du cœur et de l’AVC, l’insuffisance cardiaque est la principale cause d’hospitalisation au Canada. Au Canada, 600 000 personnes vivent actuellement avec l’insuffisance cardiaque, et les coûts directs associés à cette maladie sont estimés à 2,8 milliards de dollars par année5.

Et si les patients atteints d’insuffisance cardiaque pouvaient conserver un meilleur état de santé et ne plus devoir être hospitalisés, et ce, grâce à l’utilisation de la technologie, à leur engagement, aux données en ligne et aux coordonnateurs de soins de santé pour réaliser des évaluations préliminaires des risques? Et si cette méthode était mise en place afin d’augmenter et d’améliorer les normes des cheminements cliniques? Les services de gestion des soins de Medtronic offrent ce qu’il y a de mieux, aujourd’hui.


The Medtronic Care Management Service is designed to support and augment hospitals and providers by enhancing the care management of people with cardiac conditions and other chronic health issues. Many have returned home after a hospital stay caused by a cardiac episode. Medtronic equips them with a specially designed data collection and patient engagement system to enable optimal disease management support.

Every morning, the person with heart failure engages in a remote monitoring experience tailored to his or her specific medical status. Biometrics, symptoms and other data are seamlessly collected and analyzed using predictive analytics. Notable changes in health status are communicated to a clinician, and a closed-loop process is initiated.

One such clinician is Helen Deloney, Senior RN, Medtronic, who uses this information to identify issues and contact the patients on their healthcare providers to head off problems before they become serious. These valuable insights help nurses like Deloney serve as vital connections between patients and their healthcare providers.

“The way we see it, it’s an extension of a hospital admission, where patients are first diagnosed with heart failure or another chronic illness,” says Deloney. “After they return home, we’re able to monitor their health conditions and educate them, reinforcing what they learned in the hospital setting. The more patients learn, the better they are able to manage their conditions.”


Remote monitoring solutions such as Medtronic Care Management Services can help people with heart failure cut their return trips to the hospital and help remove costs from the system.

“Medtronic’s Care Management Services are about improving a patient’s quality of life and their health outcomes,” says Sheri Dodd, VP and General Manager, Care Management Services, Medtronic. “We’re doing that by decreasing unnecessary healthcare utilization, which has a benefit for patients. It also has a benefit for hospitals, payers, and physicians.”

We are committed to partnering with healthcare providers and payers to expand access to our Care Management Service, which delivers tangible economic benefits to the healthcare system.

“I think from the beginning, it’s been a partnership,” says Mark Stampehl, M.D., Medical Director of Heart Failure, Prairie Heart Institute, HSHS St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Illinois, which uses the Medtronic Care Management Service. “It’s not as if we’re just buying a service or contracting for a tool. We actually worked with Medtronic as it started to develop the tool, and to refine how it’s used.”

At St. John’s, where nearly 850 patients were enrolled in Medtronic’s Care Management Services, the hospital saw a 12.9 percent 30-day readmission rate over 36 months — 48 percent lower than the national average.6

“What we can say is that they all — almost universally — registered a higher quality of life as a result of the care received through the program,” says Dr. Stampehl. The service has worked so well that St. John’s is expanding it to high-risk outpatients, hoping to help keep them out of the emergency room or the hospital altogether.

Readmissions at HSHS St. John's


30-day readmissions at HSHS St. John’s are 48% lower than the national average.6


Medtronic’s Care Management Service is used by 85,000 patients across all 50 states in the U.S. and has more than 3 million telehealth patient months since the service began.

Our Care Management Service demonstrates our commitment to provide value-based healthcare: high-quality, integrated and collaborative patient care at a reduced total cost to the healthcare system.

85,000 patients


85,000 patients in 50 U.S. states use Medtronic’s Care Management Service.


Partnerships like the one between HSHS St. John’s and Medtronic Care Management Services help keep costs out of the healthcare system, while keeping patients at home.

Aligning value in healthcare is a common-sense way to achieve better patient outcomes while managing costs. It’s a positive step toward healthcare’s future that we can take Further, Together.



Aide-mémoire de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé : Maladies cardiovasculaires. Mis à jour en janvier 2015. Consulté le 10 septembre 2015.


Heart Disease Fact Sheet, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC). Consulté le 10 septembre 2015.


Forecasting the Impact of Heart Failure in the United States: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation : Heart Failure. 2013; 6 : 606-619. Consulté le 10 septembre 2015.


Hospital Sisters Health System, Case Study: Transforming Health Care Delivery Through Care Integration, octobre 2013.