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Dystonia can cause severe involuntary muscle contractions that force certain parts of the body into repetitive, twisting movements or painful postures. Although dystonia has no cure, there are a number of treatments available for finding relief. One option for those who are 7 years of age or above with chronic, intractable (drug refractory) primary dystonia may be deep brain stimulation.
Physicians should be aware that the risks associated with initial surgery may increase with clinical conditions such as:
To help ensure maximum benefits from the neurostimulation system, long-term, post-surgical management of patients is recommended.
Download a clinical summary1 to see clinical studies and case reports on dystonia patients that were not sponsored by Medtronic.
Deep brain stimulation may be considered when a patient with chronic, primary dystonia cannot successfully manage symptoms with medication.
Use extreme care with lead implantation in patients with a heightened risk of intracranial hemorrhage. Physicians should consider underlying factors, such as previous neurological injury or prescribed medications (anticoagulants), that may predispose a patient to the risk of bleeding.
Access on-demand DBS resources, procedural videos, webinars, and more at Medtronic Academy.
LOG IN TO ACADEMYMedtronic DBS systems are MR Conditional and safe in the MR environment as long as certain conditions are met. If the conditions are not met, a significant risk is tissue lesions from component heating, especially at the lead electrodes, resulting in serious and permanent injury including coma, paralysis, or death. Refer to the MRI Guidelines for Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation Systems or contact Medtronic at (1-800)-707-0933 for a complete list of conditions. Also review current MRI manufacturer labeling before conducting the MRI.
Medtronic DBS Therapy for Dystonia Clinical Summary, 2016.