SmartShock 2.0 Technology Cardiac Device Features


Studies show that pain and anxiety from shocks can lead to decreased quality of life and participation in normal activities.1 Furthermore, these shocks can lead to unnecessary hospital admissions,2 which can result in increased costs and resource usage. 

SmartShock™ 2.0 Technology reduces the incidence of inappropriate shocks while maintaining sensitivity.3,4 In fact, 98.5% of dual chamber and triple chamber patients, and 97.5% of single chamber patients were free from inappropriate shocks at one year post-implant.2

Inappropriate shock rates for single, dual, and triple chamber ICD patients2

PainFREE SST study graph showing incidence of inappropriate shocks

Graph is a summary of the PainFree SST study. 


Wathen MS, et al. Circulation. 2004;110:2591-2596.


Volosin KJ, et al. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2011;22:280-289.


Protecta Clinical Study, Medtronic data on file.