Testing by a gastroenterologist (GI) can determine whether your symptoms are caused by GORD.


An initial diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) may be made based on the frequency and severity of symptoms, along with a patient’s response to protein pump inhibitors (PPIs). However, neither symptoms nor a patient’s response to medication are enough to confirm a GORD diagnosis and identify an appropriate treatment. Objective testing by a gastroenterologist (GI) can determine whether your symptoms are caused by GORD.1,2

Man explains throat pain to male doctor.


An endoscopy with biopsy is one of the most common tests physicians use to confirm a diagnosis of GORD. To have the procedure, you may first need a referral from your primary care physician to see a gastroenterologist.


The gastroenterologist will examine your oesophagus and take a tissue sample for testing. This procedure can help identify complications that may support a diagnosis of GORD.


However, signs of GORD may not always be visible during the endoscopy. Therefore, your physician may recommend further diagnostic testing to assess your symptoms.5



Additional diagnostic testing may be necessary to help your doctor better understand whether the root cause of your symptoms is related to motility (swallowing disorder) or reflux. Your physician may use any of the following products to perform additional diagnostic tests.

Wireless pH Capsule Reflux Testing System

Wireless pH Capsule reflux testing system’s technology uses a small capsule to measure pH levels (acid content) in your oesophagus for up to 96 hours.1 This test also allows your gastroenterologist to measure the effect of PPI medication on pH levels and reflux symptoms.

The Wireless pH Capsule reflux testing system:

  • Is a minimally invasive procedure
  • Allows you to continue regular daily activities and diet
  • Helps your physician make a confident diagnosis
  • Is preferred by 96% of patients over catheter-based tests4


The Digitrapper™ reflux testing system collects data through the length of your oesophagus and identifies different types of reflux events. Insights gained from reflux testing help your physician choose the right treatment option.

The Digitrapper reflux testing system:

  • Measures acid and non-acid content in your oesophagus
  • Monitors how long reflux events last
  • Helps your physician determine the root cause of your symptoms5
  • Confirms effectiveness of PPI medication3


Oesophageal manometry is a test used to assess pressure and motor function of the oesophagus (food pipe). In addition, it aids
in the evaluation of how well the muscles in the oesophagus work to transport liquids or food from your mouth into your stomach.

Oesophageal manometry may be performed to evaluate the causes of gastric reflux, heartburn,difficulty swallowing and functional chest pain.In addition, this test may be used in preoperative evaluation if you are being considered for antireflux surgery or to ensure proper placement of pH probes in other diagnostic tests.

The study will be performed by a doctor, nurse,or technician and only takes about 10 minutes.Generally, you will be in a comfortable,
semi-reclining or reclining position. Your nose and throat may be numbed with a spray or gel. This will minimise any discomfort
associated with the placement of the small catheter through your nose and into your stomach. During this time, you will be able
to breathe and swallow with ease.

During the study you will be asked to take deep breaths or swallow a number of times. The pressures resulting from these actions
will be detected and recorded by tiny sensors located on the catheter.The recording will then be transferred to a report for
review and interpretation by your doctor.


Richter J, Pandolfino J, Vela M, et al. Utilization of wireless pH monitoring technologies: a summary of the proceedings from the Esophageal Diagnostic working Group. Disease of the Esophagus, 2012 August 7, Page 8


Triadafilopoulos G, Zikos T, Regalia K, et al. Use of Esophageal pH Monitoring to Minimize Proton-Pump Inhibitor Utilization in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms. Digestive Diseases And Sciences. 2018;63(10):2673-2680. doi:10.1007/s10620-018-5183-4


Gawron AJ, Pandolfino JE. Ambulatory reflux monitoring in GERD: which test should be performed and should therapy be stopped? Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2013;15(4):316 Page 7


Sweiss R et al. Patient acceptance and clinical impact of Bravo monitoring in patients with previous failed catheter-based studies. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Mar 15;29(6):669-76. Page 673, Col 2


Sifrim D, Castell D, Dent J, Kahrilas PJ. Gastro-oesophageal reflux monitoring: review and consensus report on detection and definitions of acid, non-acid, and gas reflux. Gut. 2004;53(7):1024-1031. Page 1030