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Micra Transcatheter Pacing System

Meet Micra

Micra small leadless pacemaker

Unlike most pacemakers that are placed in the patient's chest with leads running to the heart, Micra is implanted directly into the patient’s heart.

  • Micra is placed in the heart via a vein in the leg, no chest incision, scar, or bump that results from conventional pacemakers.
  • Micra TPS is 25.9 mm in length, with an outer diameter of 6.7 mm, and weighs 1.75 grams.

KEY Features

  • Micra pacemakers are MR Conditional. The designation "MR Conditional" means the implanted pacemaker has been shown to pose no known hazards in a specified MR environment with specified conditions of use. 
  • Adjusts the heart rate automatically by sensing changes in the body related to the activity level and adjusting the heart rate accordingly
  • Features an estimated battery longevity of 12 years


Is Micra the right pacemaker for all patients?

No. Micra is intended for patients who need a single chamber pacemaker (also known as a ventricular pacemaker, or VVIR). Talk  to your doctor about the suitability, benefits, and risks of Micra.

How is Micra placed into my heart?

Your doctor will insert a "straw-like" catheter into a vein in the upper thigh and use the catheter to move Micra into the right ventricle of the heart. The catheter is then removed. 

Are MRI scans okay with my Micra?

Micra was designed and tested to be used with MRI scanners. The patient can undergo an MRI scan as long as patient eligibility requirements are met. The pacemaker ID card specifies the implanted device model. If your doctor has questions about scanning eligibility, they should contact a Medtronic representative or Medtronic Technical Services.  

Will items containing magnets affect my Micra?

Maybe. We recommend keeping items containing magnets at least 15 centimetres away from an implanted pacemaker. This includes mobile phones, magnetic therapy products, stereo speakers, and handheld massagers. We do not recommend putting a mobile phone in your shirt pocket or using magnetic mattress pads and pillows.

Can I go through security systems such as those found in airports and courthouses?

Given the short duration of security screening, it is unlikely that your Medtronic device will be affected by metal detectors (walk through archways and hand-held wands) or full body imaging scanners (also called millimetre wave scanners or 3D imaging scanners) such as those found in airports, courthouses and jails. However the metal case of the heart device could set off a metal detector. 

To minimise the risk of temporary interference with the heart device while going through the security screening process, avoid touching metal surfaces around any screening equipment. Do not stop or linger in a walk-through archway; simply walk through the archway at a normal pace. If a hand-held wand is used, ask the security operator not to hold it over the device and not to wave it back and forth over the device. 

A hand-search maybe requested as an alternative. In the case of concerns in regards to  these security screening methods, show the device identification card, request alternative screening, and then follow the instructions of the security personnel. 

Are household appliances safe to use?

Most household and hobby items are unlikely to affect the heart device when the items are in good working condition, used as intended, and the recommended distances are maintained. For items that transmit power through an antenna, it is recommended that the noted distances between the antenna and the device are followed.

Please refer to the "Do you have a heart device? Answers to your questions"  brochure for more information on distances.

Can I exercise, resume my regular activities?

The patient should be able to return to their usual activity as long as they do not exceed their fitness level. Discuss questions about specific activities with the doctor.

Does Micra last forever?

No, Micra has a battery and the battery life depends on the heart condition. The estimated average longevity is 12 years.1 Individual patient experience may vary. Your doctor will check on the battery when you go in for a checkup. 

What happens when the Micra battery runs low?

Micra is designed to provide options when a new device is needed. It may be turned off and a new Micra or a traditional system may be implanted. The Micra also offers a retrieval feature to enable retrieval, when possible. Your doctor will determine what is best for you.

How often will I need to visit the doctor after Micra is implanted?

Your doctor will decide how often they want to see you. Typically, your first follow-up appointment is one month after implant, with additional follow-ups every 6-12 months.



Medtronic Micra MC1VR01 Clinician Manual. November 2014.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.

The device that appears on this page is a representation of a Medtronic device. It does not include certain identifying information that may appear on Medtronic devices, such as model number or serial number.