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What Is Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting? Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)


Stents are used to treat coronary artery disease (CAD). It is now practice to insert a stent to hold a coronary artery open and to maintain blood flow after an angioplasty. 1

Stenting is a minimally invasive procedure during which a stent and balloon are used together to push back plaque deposits inside of a coronary artery to treat heart disease.1

A coronary stent is a tiny mesh tube made of medical-grade metal

A coronary stent is a tiny mesh tube made of medical-grade metal.

A coronary stent is a tiny, expandable mesh tube made of medical-grade stainless steel or cobalt alloy metal. Once the stent is implanted, it will remain in the artery permanently.1


The Stent Procedure

Like in any angioplasty procedure, the stent is mounted onto a tiny balloon that is opened inside of a coronary artery to push back plaque and to restore blood flow. After the plaque is compressed against the arterial wall, the stent is fully expanded into position, acting as miniature "scaffolding" for the artery. The balloon is then deflated and removed, and the stent is left behind in the patient’s coronary artery to help keep the blood vessel open. For some patients it may be necessary to place more than one stent in the coronary artery, depending on the length of the blockage.1

Drug-Eluting Stents

In addition to providing structural support to the coronary artery, some newer-generation stents also have a medicated coating that may help the vessel from renarrowing.

Although stents may be a treatment for angioplasty, their use may, on rare occasions, result in what is known as stent thrombosis. Stent thrombosis is a blood clot that occurs following stent implantation. Some patients with stents may experience blood cells becoming sticky and clump together to form a small mass – or clot. When a blood clot forms, it may block the free flow of blood through an artery and may cause a heart attack or even death. Stent thrombosis may occur in patients with both bare-metal and drug-eluting stents. 2

The most important thing to do is follow a cardiologist’s recommendations.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.


Meads C et al, Health Technol Assess 2000 4(23) 1-153


Ribichini F et al Eur Heart J 2013 jun 34(23) 1740-8