MCMS 508 compliant electronic and information technology (EIT) products

Commander Flex​

Model: CD390​
ICT accessibility 508 standard:​

407.2 Contrast

Where provided, keys and controls shall contrast visually from background surfaces. Characters and symbols shall contrast visually from background surfaces with either light characters or symbols on a dark background or dark characters or symbols on a light background.


407.3.1 Tactilely discernible​

Input controls shall be operable by touch and tactilely discernible without activation.


Model: LV100​
ICT accessibility 508 standard:​

407.2 Contrast

Where provided, keys and controls shall contrast visually from background surfaces. Characters and symbols shall contrast visually from background surfaces with either light characters or symbols on a dark background or dark characters or symbols on a light background.


407.3.1 Tactilely Discernible​

Input controls shall be operable by touch and tactilely discernible without activation.