Take a step forward in how you treat chronic diabetic nerve pain.

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for your patients with moderate to severe diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) pain



physician holding a pen and tablet consults with a patient.

Help your patients control the debilitating pain in their feet and legs.

For patients who experience chronic pain due to DPN and have not been satisfied by the levels of relief provided by oral pain medication, injections, or other treatments for pain, SCS can provide a new approach for patients looking for solutions.


What is SCS?

Spinal cord stimulation is a proven, non-opioid, FDA-approved way to manage chronic pain that may be caused by DPN. SCS works by disrupting the pain signals traveling between the spinal cord and the brain.

Vanta and Intellis neurostimulators

Stimulation is delivered via a Medtronic Intellis™ or Vanta™ neurostimulator, a device similar to a pacemaker, implanted under the skin.

Potential benefits of SCS therapy

  • Patients with DPN are 17 times more likely to experience significant pain relief if treated with SCS compared to conventional treatment.1-3

  • 86% of patients experienced treatment success after receiving SCS therapy for one-year*4

  • Proven long-term therapy for managing chronic pain with the majority of patients experiencing meaningful pain relief through five years of treatment with SCS.4


more likely to
experience significant
pain relief


of patients experienced treatment success after receiving SCS therapy
for 1-year*4


of meaningful
pain relief4

Understand the risks

Risks include infection, lead movement, pain at the implant site, and loss of therapy effectiveness. Not everyone responds to SCS in the same way, and your patients’ experiences may vary. Risk of infection and severity of complications may be greater in diabetic patients.

Consider a preoperative risk assessment to determine if patients are healthy enough for surgery.

Monitor patients' glucose levels.

For a better understanding of risk and safety details associated with SCS therapy, and to get information about trials, procedures, benefits and features of Medtronic devices, download our brochures for referring physicians and implanters.

Talk to a

If you have additional questions about spinal cord stimulation, sign up to speak with a Medtronic representative.

Learn more
about SCS

Visit the, Medtronic SCS website for healthcare professionals to get more information.

Reimbursement information

For reimbursement questions and information, contact us.


Success rates in a population of patients treated with SCS in two studies and followed for five years.


Medtronic. Medtronic Pain Therapy Clinical Summary M221494A016 Rev B. United States; 2022. 


de Vos CC, Meier K, Zaalberg PB, et al. Spinal cord stimulation in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy: A multicenter randomized clinical trial. Pain. 2014;155(11):2426–2431. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2014.08.031.


Slangen R, Schaper NC, Faber CG, et al. Spinal cord stimulation and pain relief in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A prospective two-center randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care. 2014;37(11):3016–3024. doi:10.2337/dc14-0684.


van Beek M, Geurts JW, Slangen R, et al. Severity of neuropathy is associated with long-term spinal cord stimulation outcomes in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: Five-year follow-up of a prospective two-center clinical trial. Diabetes Care. 2018;41(1):32–38. doi:10.2337/dc17-0983.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.