Corporate Climate Change Statement Principles and Ethics

August 2020

At Medtronic we recognize the undeniable relationship between human health and the environment. Global well-being depends on the ability of governments, companies, organizations and people everywhere to build sustainable and resilient models to address effectively documented climate change.1

For this reason, environmental protection is a core corporate citizenship value at Medtronic, and one that compels us to proactively address the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.

Our RIsks

Physical climate risks — such as severe weather events, increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, and more frequent or intense droughts and floods — damage property and infrastructure, disrupt global supply chains, increase infectious and respiratory illness, and threaten food security, which in turn impacts health and economic security.

As global effort to address climate change go forward, we recognize the need to adapt quickly to changing global regulations and stakeholder expectations that influence our reputation. 

Therefore, we continually strive to mitigate our impact on climate change and the environment. Our EHS Policy sets forth our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conserve energy and water. In addition, our Environmental Sustainability Standard requires Medtronic to develop long-term environmental goals, which we have done starting in 2007. Progress to our environmental goals can be found in our Integrated Performance Report.

Our Opportunities

In addressing climate change, we can take advantage of the following opportunities:

  • Reduce operational cost by driving eco-efficiency and the use of renewable and lower emission sources of energy
  • Create resilience through resource substitution and diversification, including on-site energy production that reduces our reliance on the grid
  • Develop and provide access to products or services that address health conditions resulting from climate change

Medtronic is committed to conducting business in a safe and sustainable manner and to collaborating with industry peers, governments, employees, customers, suppliers and communities to achieve solutions that are environmentally sound and economically viable. We support corporate transparency of climate performance through our annual Integrated Performance Report and CDP submission.


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report; U.S. Department of Defense Report on National Security Implications of Climate-Related Risks and a Changing Climate